Plant Database
We’re here to help you navigate the process of creating a thriving native landscape.
We’re passionate about your success with native plants. Our goal is to expand this resource over time, empowering gardeners, contractors, and architects with the knowledge they need to create thriving native landscapes.
We prepared these plant profiles with anecdotal experiences: insights from our own gardens and stories shared by others. We encourage you to comment on the plant profiles and share your experiences and recommendations.
We’ve started with 50 of our hardiest species and will continue adding from our inventory.
Clinopodium douglasii (Yerba Buena)
A spreading perennial found in shady, moist areas. It has a pleasant fragrance and the leaves can be used for tea.
Fragaria chiloensis (Beach Strawberry)
A great groundcover for sandy soils. Blooms with little white flowers that turn into tiny strawberries. One of the two strawberry species used to create the modern hybrid strawberry.
Prunus ilicifolia ssp. lyonii (Catalina Cherry)
A glossy-leafed evergreen tree from the Channel Islands with white flowers in spring and an edible red cherry. Makes a great screening plant or small tree.
Prunus illicifolia (Hollyleaf Cherry)
A medium sized evergreen tree with leaves that resemble holly. A profusion of fragrant, small white flowers arrive early to late spring. Red fruits follow which songbirds love.
Vitis 'Roger's Red' (Roger's Red Grape)
A deciduous vine known for its vivid red foliage in fall. Ideal for arbors, it offers summer shade with its lush leaves, but still permits sunlight through in winter after it drops its leaves.