Plant Services
If your project requires uncommon container sizes, specific site collection, plants not normally kept in our inventory, or any other special circumstance, consider a contract grow order.
For a modest down payment, we’ll have your order ready on a specified date. Place your order as soon as possible; it can take from 3 to 18 months to grow a one-gallon plant.
We can use existing source-identified seed in inventory or collect new site-specific seed and grow it your specifications. All plants are labeled and segregated by seed collection region to maintain genetic integrity.
Contract Grow
Native West Nursery offers delivery throughout California and the Southwest. We are in Los Angeles, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties multiple times per week, Ventura County North to the Bay Area weekly. Order minimums and fees may apply. Please contact us for more information.
Contact Us
To inquire about services or plant availability, please fill out the form below or email info@nativewest.com.
If you have any questions about the process, feel free to give us at a call at 619-423-2284.