Why native plants?
Native plants are adapted to our diverse region. Our geography includes foggy coastal bluffs, marine and freshwater wetlands, arid foothills, windswept grasslands, woodland forests and dry, hot deserts. Whatever your garden situation may be, there are local native species that are already well adapted to the conditions of the climate and soil, making them likely to succeed with less water, fertilizer, and soil amendments.
Native animals and insects have evolved in tandem with the native plants of our region. They are dependent on one another to complete their life cycles. For example, pollinators are often specialist species, meaning they cannot survive without specific native plant host species to feed on or lay their eggs. Other foraging insects carry pollen from one flower to another mixing the gene pool and aiding plants in their reproduction. Certain bird species require a specific native plant host in which to build its nest. Choosing to plant native plants will benefit native wildlife.
California has more native species than any other state. Gardening with these plants helps reconnect our designed spaces to our unique California natural landscapes, honoring and celebrating the natural heritage of our region.
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Restoration Quality Plants
Our tough-love approach produces a healthy, insect-free, disease-free plant that will stand up to the rigors of its new environment.
Plant with confidence.
Integrity in the Source
Source identification increases survivability and is essential to maintaining the genetic integrity of each plant community. We always collect seed ethically to help ensure wild populations still thrive.
Large Scale
With 130 acres, we’re able to maintain a large in-stock supply at competitive prices and have the space and capabilities to contract grow for any size project.
Native Plant Specialists
With roots in habitat restoration and 20 years of experience, we have the knowledge needed to make sure your project succeeds. We want your plants to thrive and we’re here to provide guidance.
To earn the Restoration Quality designation, we:
Use only local source-identified seed to ensure the genetic integrity and variability of each species
Use only native soil for better water retention, adaptability, and survivability than conventional nursery mix
Add to our soils the native mycorrhizal component called for in many restoration plans
Grow in full sun
Fertilize only in rare cases—native soils already contain essential nutrients
Use pesticides only if the life of the crop is at risk
Subject our plants to controlled-drought situations in the nursery
Restoration Quality plants have the best chance of survival when facing poor soils, strong winds, over- or underwatering, insect damage, herbivory, and other environmental stresses. Our tough-love approach produces a healthy, insect- and disease-free plant that will stand up to the rigors of its new environment.
Restoration Quality
Our talented team of seed collection specialists ethically harvest native seeds. Ethical seed collection means we work with a light footprint leaving the majority of native plant populations untouched to ensure wild populations will continue thriving.
All our collected seed is source-identified by region, collection site, species name, client name and date collected. Source-identified plants are valued in habitat restoration efforts to maintain the genetic integrity of each plant community while increasing the survival rate of the plants.
An Artemisia californica with genetics from Santa Cruz County is technically the same species as an Artemisia californica from San Diego but each plant evolved in very different conditions. A San Diego adapted Artemisia may not thrive in the wetter cooler conditions of Santa Cruz and vice versa. Location matters when it comes to California! The varied topography and resulting microclimates put pressure on ecotypes to evolve over time.
Integrity in the Source
Spanning 130 acres, Native West Nursery is the largest native plant container nursery in California. We are able to maintain a large in-stock supply of source-identified species native to the western U.S. in a variety of container sizes. Take a look at our wholesale inventory or retail inventory.
We continue investing in infrastructure to perform and accommodate the largest and most specialized contract grow projects. A half a million plants? No problem.
Large Inventory
Native Plant Specialists
We're passionate about seeing natives thrive. From helping you select the right species to providing advice on their care and maintenance, we’re here to help.
We have created a plant database with anecdotal experiences: insights from our projects and stories shared by others. These accounts offer insights into how these species thrive under various conditions. We encourage you to share your experiences as we expand on this resource to help native plant projects succeed.
Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you may have.