We’re here to help you navigate the process of creating thriving native landscapes.
We understand the challenges that come with creating low-maintenance yet visually stunning landscapes, and the increasing demand for drought-tolerant, native plant options. By leveraging our knowledge and resources, we can help you achieve success with your native plant projects.
Plant with confidence.
Quality Plants
Our tough-love approach produces a healthy, insect-free, disease-free plant that will stand up to the rigors of its new environment.
Selected for Hardiness
Our inventory is made of species that do particularly well in the Southern California landscape.
Large Inventory of Natives and Near-Natives
With 130 acres, we’re able to maintain a large in-stock supply of natives and “near-natives” from the Southwest to offer a comprehensive selection for your landscaping needs.
Native Plant Specialists
We are here to help you navigate the process of creating a thriving native landscape.
Native Plant Database
We’ve prepared plant profiles with anecdotal experiences to provide information about how these species thrive under various conditions.
We’ve covered everything from planning & plant selection, planting, watering, and dormancy information.
Native Alternatives
Our top picks of alternatives for conventional landscaping plants.
Native Landscaping Favorites
Our top 50 picks for hardy natives to use in landscaping and gardens.
Contract Growing
If your project requires uncommon container sizes, specific site collection, plants not normally kept in our inventory, or any other special circumstance, consider a contract grow order.
Native West Nursery offers delivery throughout California and the Southwest.
Quality Plants
To grow our beautiful, hardy plants we:
Include native soil for better water retention, adaptability, and survivability than conventional nursery mix
Add to our soils the native mycorrhizal component called for in many restoration plans
Grow in full sun
Fertilize only in rare cases—native soils already contain essential nutrients
Use pesticides only if the life of the crop is at risk
Subject our plants to controlled-drought situations in the nursery
Our plants have the best chance of survival when facing poor soils, strong winds, over- or underwatering, insect damage, herbivory, and other environmental stresses. Our tough-love approach produces a healthy, insect- and disease-free plant that will stand up to the rigors of its new environment.
We choose to grow species that do particularly well in the Southern California landscape. This careful selection process ensures that the plants we offer are not only aesthetically pleasing but also durable and suited to withstand the challenges of Southern California's unique climate.
Opting for these hardy varieties increases plant survival rates and minimized need for replacements.
View our Landscaping Favorites List for our top 50 hardy picks or view our current Plant Availability List to see what's in stock.
Selected for Hardiness
Native Plant Specialists
We're passionate about seeing natives thrive. From helping you select the right species to providing advice on their care and maintenance, we’re here to help.
We have created a plant database with anecdotal experiences: insights from our projects and stories shared by others. These accounts offer insights into how these species thrive under various conditions. We encourage you to share your experiences as we expand on this resource to help native plant projects succeed.
Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you may have.
Contact Us
To inquire about services or plant availability, please fill out the form below or email patrick@nativewest.com. Every project is unique, so all bids are on a per-project basis.
If you have any questions about the process, feel free to give us at a call at 619-423-2284.