Gorilla Hair Mulch
Shredded Redwood Bark
Excellent for moisture retention
Forms a knitted mat that holds together and prevents erosion
Helps suppress weeds
A byproduct of the lumber industry, using redwood scrap that would have otherwise been wasted
The ideal mulch for native plants.

$12 for each bag (3 cubic ft)
3 cubic ft covers approximately 18 square ft
Pickup at The Little Barn Thursday-Saturday.
Call ahead (619.423.2284 option 1) if you’re looking to buy larger quantities.
Delivered in Bulk
$80 per yard
Minimum order 5 yards
1 yard covers approx 100 sq ft
Delivery cost based on location:
$5.50/mile using 1-way mileage from nursery to destination
Minimum delivery charge $95
Email kristen@nativewest.com to set up your delivery.
This calculator is for estimation purposes only, to set up your order please email kristen@nativewest.com