Plant Database
We’re here to help you navigate the process of creating a thriving native landscape.
We’re passionate about your success with native plants. Our goal is to expand this resource over time, empowering gardeners, contractors, and architects with the knowledge they need to create thriving native landscapes.
We prepared these plant profiles with anecdotal experiences: insights from our own gardens and stories shared by others. We encourage you to comment on the plant profiles and share your experiences and recommendations.
We’ve started with 50 of our hardiest species and will continue adding from our inventory.
Aster chilensis 'Point Saint George' (Coast Aster)
Lush spreading groundcover with violet blooms in summer to fall.
Artemisia californica 'Canyon Gray' (Coastal Sagebrush)
A fragrant, low spreading groundcover. A natural cultivar of California Sagebrush (Artemisia californica) from the windswept San Miguel Island in the Channel Islands.
Baccharis pilularis ‘Pigeon Point’ (Dwarf Coyote Brush)
A great mass evergreen groundcover that is adaptable and dependable.
Corethrogyne filaginifolia 'Silver Carpet' (Silver Carpet Aster)
A low-growing, carpet-like groundcover with pink flowers and silver foliage.
Clinopodium douglasii (Yerba Buena)
A spreading perennial found in shady, moist areas. It has a pleasant fragrance and the leaves can be used for tea.
Ceanothus ‘Joyce Coulter’ (Joyce Coulter Mountain Lilac)
A fast growing groundcover selection of Ceanothus, great for covering large areas.
Erigeron glaucus (Seaside Daisy)
A low-growing evergreen with nearly year-round pink flowers. A pollinator favorite.
Fragaria chiloensis (Beach Strawberry)
A great groundcover for sandy soils. Blooms with little white flowers that turn into tiny strawberries. One of the two strawberry species used to create the modern hybrid strawberry.
Grindelia stricta venulosa (Gumweed)
A particularly hardy and fast growing evergreen groundcover with yellow flowers. Great for erosion control.
Iva hayesiana (San Diego Marsh-elder)
An adaptable, low maintenance evergreen groundcover. Has tiny yellow flowers in the spring.
Jaumea carnosa (Marsh Jaumea)
A groundcover with small yellow flowers in the summer. Good for stabilization in coastal areas.
Ribes viburnifolium (Catalina Currant)
Good low growing bush or tall ground cover for shady areas, spreads at a medium rate through layering. Has beautiful clusters of deep red flowers that bloom in late winter/early spring.
Salvia leucophylla 'Point Sal Spreader' (Purple Sage)
A medium height groundcover with silver foliage and pink flowers in winter. Tolerates drought and garden conditions.