Jaumea carnosa (Marsh Jaumea)
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Jaumea carnosa
Marsh Jaumea
Height: 3 - 4 in
Width: Spreads by rhizomes
Hardiness: Very hardy
Natural Setting: Salt marshes and bases of sea cliffs³
Plant Type: Perennial, Groundcover
Dormancy: Evergreen
Form: Spreading
Flower Season: Spring-Summer
Soil: Adaptable as long as it receives sufficient moisture
Sun Exposure: Full sun
Water Requirements: Moderate
With it’s succulent leaves and cute yellow flowers this plant resembles an ice plant but without the invasive qualities of non-native ice plant species. Typically found in salt marshes, this plant does not require salt nor marsh like conditions to thrive. It is very drought tolerant and spreads readily by rhizomes in the garden. Good for stabilization.
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Lush spreading groundcover with violet blooms in summer to fall.