Aster chilensis 'Point Saint George' (Coast Aster)
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Aster chilensis 'Point Saint George'
Coast Aster
Height: 4 - 6 in
Width: 2 – 5 ft
Hardiness: Very Hardy
Natural Setting: Cultivar of Aster chilensis
Plant Type: Perennial, Groundcover
Dormancy: Evergreen
Form: Spreading, Prostrate
Growth Rate: Fast
Flower Season: Summer - Late Fall
Soil: Fast draining or moderate draining
Sun Exposure: Full sun or partial shade
Water Requirements: Low once established. Can handle regular watering but will spread more aggressively.
Lush spreading groundcover with showy violet blooms in summer to fall. Be aware that it will quickly take over large areas via rhizomes.
Care & Maintenance
With summer watering, it can bloom as long as July-September. Prune once the flowers are done blooming for a fresher appearance.
Would do well in mixed beds with other native grasses, shrubs and wildflowers. Would also work in large pots or containers.
It can tolerate light foot traffic and can even be mowed on occasion for a compact, turf-like appearance. Can help stabilize slopes.⁴
A great habitat plant. Native bees, butterflies and other insects like the nectar and birds enjoy the seeds.
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A great mass evergreen groundcover that is adaptable and dependable.