Trifolium ciliolatum (Foothill Clover) Seeds
A welcome and attractive native alternative to non-native and invasive clovers seen throughout California. Charismatic pink flowers continue to develop as long as the plant receives supplemental water. Sown en-masse, can be used as a seasonal ground cover or lawn replacement that can tolerate a couple mowings a year.
100+ seeds in each packet
A welcome and attractive native alternative to non-native and invasive clovers seen throughout California. Charismatic pink flowers continue to develop as long as the plant receives supplemental water. Sown en-masse, can be used as a seasonal ground cover or lawn replacement that can tolerate a couple mowings a year.
100+ seeds in each packet
A welcome and attractive native alternative to non-native and invasive clovers seen throughout California. Charismatic pink flowers continue to develop as long as the plant receives supplemental water. Sown en-masse, can be used as a seasonal ground cover or lawn replacement that can tolerate a couple mowings a year.
100+ seeds in each packet