Simmondsia chinensis (Jojoba)
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Simmondsia chinensis
![Jojoba nuts in the wild | Photographed in September](
Height: 3 - 7 ft
Width: 4 – 7 ft
Hardiness: Very hardy
Natural Setting: Primarily native to the Sonoran Desert, where it exhibits exceptional tolerance to extreme heat and drought. Also found in a few coastal locations as a part of a very dry kind of chaparral.³
Plant Type: Shrub
Dormancy: Evergreen
Form: Rounded
Growth Rate: Moderate
Flower Season: Spring
Soil: Fast
Sun Exposure: Full sun
Water Requirements: Very low once established
Cold Tolerance: 17° F
Very drought tolerant, Jojoba grows from the coast all the way out to the desert and has a very wide range of distribution. Thrives in full sun with minimal water.
A dioecious species so you would need a male and female plant if you want fruit but that also means that you can have a fruitless plant if you prefer.
Anecdotal Experiences
Underutilized probably because it is slow growing
Water no more than 2x month while establishing and ideally no water at all once established
Can be hedged
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An evergreen, medium sized shrub with soft grey leaves and nearly ever-present blooms. Native to the desert but also does great on the coast.