Romneya coulteri (Coulter's Matilija Poppy)
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Romneya coulteri
Coulter's Matilija Poppy

Height: 6 - 10 ft
Width: 20 ft
Natural Setting: Dry washes, canyons, and foothills with chaparral or coastal sage scrub vegetation³
Plant Type: Perennial
Dormancy: Summer Deciduous
Form: Upright Columnar, Weeping
Growth Rate: Moderate
Flower Season: Spring, Summer
Drainage: Fast, Medium
Sun Exposure: Full Sun
Water Requirements: Low, never irrigate once established
Cold Tolerance: Tolerates cold to -6° F
One of the showiest poppies, known as the "fried-egg flower". Very drought tolerant but spreads by rhizomes and can easily spread 10 ft wide.
Anecdotal Experiences
Prefers full sun, will reach for the sun if given too much shade
Rapidly growing, expect it to colonize a 10ft area
Rumored to spread aggressively, in my experience will spread more aggressively in sandy lighter soils and stays put in more clay soils
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A beautiful perennial with long-blooming vibrant red flowers.