Contact us


The Little Barn at Native West Nursery is our retail space open to the public. Come browse through 100+ species of native plants or email to place an order for pickup or check our availability.

Regular Hours:
Thursday: 7am - 3:30pm
Friday: 7am - 3:30pm
Saturday: 8am - 4pm (Closed for lunch 12-12:30)

The Little Barn is closed Sunday-Wednesday.

The Little Barn at Native West Nursery
1849 Leon Ave
San Diego, CA 92154

Phone: 619.423.2284 (option 1 or Ext 102)


Orders need to be placed in advance. Our wholesale yard is closed to the public.

Plant Orders
Please email with the species and quantities you are looking for.

Seed Orders
Please email with the species and quantities you are looking for.

Regular Hours:
Monday through Friday: 7am – 4pm

Native West Nursery
1755 Saturn Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92154

Phone: 619.423.2284
Fax: 619.423.0632

Want to join our team?

Please email your resume to
or view our open positions.